Expression Over Perfection

Bringing Compassion to Creative Work: Heather Doyle Fraser

Episode Summary

In this episode, Heather Doyle Fraser and I discuss bringing compassion to your creative practice, navigating the uncertainty of the creative process, connecting with permission, and so much more.

Episode Notes

In this episode, Heather Doyle Fraser and I discuss bringing compassion to your creative practice, navigating the uncertainty of the creative process, connecting with permission, meeting the inner critic, and so much more. 

Heather Doyle Fraser is the Founder of The Compassionate Mind Collaborative, a publishing house dedicated to the principle of bringing compassion to the writing and publishing process. Her six-week program The Compassionate Writer helps support writers connect with their voice and the book within them. She is also the author of 40 Weeks: A Daily Journey of Inspiration and Abundance and the co-author of Freedom: How Teens Can Use Mindful Compassion to Thrive in a Chaotic World and Grow A Purpose-Driven Life.

Connect with Heather:

- The Compassionate Writer program starts April 4 - more info here
- Heather's book: 40 Weeks: A Daily Journey of Inspiration and Abundance
- Heather's  book: Freedom
- Heather's Instagram
- Contact Heather